We explored possibilities of forming a curved wall through means of manipulating its form or even how the bricks would be laid in order to achieve this formation. 

We also looked into how this would be applied to the entirety of a building sitting on the foundation and supporting the roof.
Using the one brick type easily created a smooth circular form however this meant it was limited to a uniform formation determined by its radius.

We added a 2nd type of curved brick to break out of its uniform form. this allowed for a flexibility of designing curved spaces with these modular mud bricks. The issue with custom bricks however would be the requirement of additional customized moulds increasing labour  production time and possible consumption of more embodied energy.  The impact of its overall design will also affect how other building elements will need to integrated to this form.

At the end of the day we decided not to go with a curved wall on the basis of the small scale of the project. The outcome wouldn't match the expectation of how we wished to express the curvature of the wall.

Written by: Alexander Tomas
Photo provided by : Laura Reynolds & Alexander Tomas


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